Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

Is Your Cake Half Eaten Or Half Full?

At times life moves so quickly that we don’t take the time to slow down and truly appreciate those things and people we can be thankful for during this time of year. My wife, who very early on told me that the key to my being a good partner was “paying attention”, upped her game once again by sliding that cake pictured above under my nose at the conclusion of our family Thanksgiving … read more

Is There Truth In Advertising?

Photo courtesy of Jason Taellious

I’m an ad guy as well as a guy’s guy and a novelist. My nine to five for the past twenty-something years has centered on a business that is fun, fast, and many times misunderstood.  In the ad game (and it can be a game) we don’t make things up. We deal with the truth, and we find the right bits of truth that tell the story that you want … read more