Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

The Five Best Things about New York that go Overlooked

Our city really is a helluva town. Where else at 2am can you hear the pounding of jackhammers outside your bedroom window or savor a bowl of spicy squid and noodles at a jam-packed midtown restaurant? If you’re Guy’s Guy, there are few better places to live. I know, I know. At times a Guys’ Guy’s patience gets tested by the randomness of this crazy city. But despite the less than lackluster subway service on the weekends and … read more

How to Date Like a Champ in 2016

It is the best of times and the worst of times…for dating. Modern life moves quickly. We want what we want, and we want it right now. We don’t have time to suffer fools when searching for our perfect match. With the advent of dating apps and websites, if you master the moves of the digital dating game, your pipeline of prospects can be filled to the brim. After all, you can set up a month’s worth of … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Anger Management (Part 1)

Lots of guys are angry. Just look at the current popularity of Donald Trump.

That orange-haired dude is banking his entire campaign on negativity and anger. And guess what? It’s working. That’s because people are pissed off.

Anyone who knows me knows I get angry, too. Like most people, I think I only get pissed off when people are screwing with me. Over the past few years I’ve focused on doing a better job at anger management. Through reading … read more

Five Resolutions You Should Stick to This Year

Sadly, by this time in January, many people have already failed at their New Year’s resolutions.

After all, making changes in our behavior is challenging, especially when we bite off more than we can chew. I’ve given up drinking a few times and have lasted three, four and even five months, but denial is tough. Making positive changes is no easier. Fortunately each New Year, month, week, even day is a new opportunity for a fresh start. With … read more