Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

How To Unmask Your Man

             image courtesy of Warner Bros Pictures

It’s time for Rod to pay a visit again.  You may remember he is the quintessential Guy’s Guy I introduced in an earlier post who bats for the ladies by dishing out the truth about men. Rod is the pseudonym of Max Hallyday, the protagonist in my novel. In the book, Rod teaches women how to win by penning a column exposing the deepest and darkest … read more

How A Guy’s Guy Found His Center Through Energy Work

The Wake-Up Call

Over the last twelve years every single aspect of my life has changed. Way back in early 2000 I recall looking out the window of my corner office at the global advertising conglomerate where I worked. I had recently been promoted to Executive Vice President and received a whopping pay raise. Outside my office sat my beautiful assistant. On the surface life seemed great, but something was gnawing at me inside, telling me that this … read more

Why Do Men Freak Out When They Hear The Word Relationship?

                    image courtesy of

Let’s face it. We’ve all been dropped into this crazy world without a guidebook for how to deal with life. No one has the answer for question #1-Why am I here? That is a tough start, but it puts everyone on equal footing. This Guy’s Guy believes that we’re thrown into the fray to get along and make our kooky world a better place: with … read more

The 5 Traits Women Look For in a Man

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Have you ever wondered what the most important characteristics that women seek in guys are? After another fruitless night combing the bars, clubs, and hot spots for a mate, a lot of guys skulk home with a belly full of Budweiser and not much else to show for it. I’ve been there…many times. But being a circumspect and blossoming Guy’s Guy, at a certain point I asked myself what was the … read more

What Ever Happened To Men?

image courtesy of

A helluva lot, and nothing. It’s a matter of perspective and each man defining himself as the times change seemingly faster by the hour. 

I was part of the team that came up with the ad campaign for 1800 tequila that asked, “what ever happened to tequila?” Now, two years and one advertising agency later, the campaign revolves around the phrase, “what ever happened to?’. There is one execution focused on men and according to … read more

The Facts Men Need To Face

If there was a war between the sexes, it’s over. 

But, I don’t think in those terms. This Guy’s Guy believes that men and women were dropped into this crazy world to love one another. Yes, I know that things can get sticky between the sexes and we’re not on the same page and don’t always play fair with each other, but it’s important to keep that original intention in mind if we want a chance to savor … read more

A Guys’ Guy’s Look At Girls’ Girls

                     Image courtesy of       Just What Is A “Girls’ Girl”?Last week Team GGG2Love nudged your Guy’s Guy following Chelsea Handler’s latest rant about Jennifer Aniston being a “Girl’s Girl” while Angelina Jolie is “the opposite”. I’ll leave out some of her descriptors of the soon to be Ms. Pitt.  Let’s just say that it’s the thought that counts. But it poses an interesting question. If there are Guys’ … read more

The Guy To Avoid – Part One

        Image Courtesy of Now for something a little different: I’d like to introduce Rod, the quintessential Guy’s Guy who bats for the ladies by dishing out the truth about men. Rod is the pseudonym of Max Hallyday, the protagonist in my novel. In the book, Rod teaches women how to win by penning a column exposing the deepest and darkest dating secrets of men called, you guessed it, The Guys’ Guy’s Guide To Love. I would like to … read more

How Long Is Too Long To Wait For A Man?

Image Courtesy of HBO

How long is too long to wait for a man? Women have an uncanny instinct for knowing when they meet the right guy. Or do they? Unfortunately, in too many cases the men delay all efforts to move the relationship ahead. So the women are resigned to waiting for their guy to figure out who they are and when they are ready. The process can take years. It’s so prevalent that the new movie, “The Five … read more

Why Do Relationships Between Men and Women Get Complicated?

Image Courtesy of Glamour MagazineOn the surface, it looks like men and women are finally getting on the same page. But are they? Things happen quickly these days, especially the evolving roles of the sexes. But, unfortunately there are two major hurdles that keep getting in the way of men and women being simpatico. Today’s women are more educated, and as a result they are ascending in the professional world. Liz Munday’s book, “The Richer Sex”, states over … read more