Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

HOW TO GET “UNSTUCK” – Six Tips for Avoiding Stagnation and Getting Your Life Back on Track (Part Two)

In the first part of my tips for getting “unstuck”, we learned that although there are no shortcuts, there is a clear path from inertia to igniting positive change into your life. We touched on the importance of spending more time in nature, going inside and being honest with ourselves, and continually learning new things. It’s hard to argue with these practices. They create a solid foundation for moving forward. If you only take those initial steps, … read more

HOW TO GET “UNSTUCK” – Six Tips for Avoiding Stagnation and Getting Your Life Back on Track (Part One)

As men age, they often get set in their ways. Guys lock onto the things they like and their tried-and-true methods and routines that worked a long time ago. There’s nothing wrong with demonstrating a bit of discipline…to a point. Regular practices, whether it’s brushing after every meal, exercising, reading, meditating, and having cool hobbies can … read more