Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

AGING IS A CHOICE Part 11 – Keeping Your Mind Young 

By Robert Manni

Have you heard people say “it’s all in your mind” when you feel nervous about acing a presentation or when you want to make a good first impression? Ever have friends remind you your frame of mind is to blame for creating the situations you find yourself in? Well, I’m here to say, our … read more

HOW TO GET “UNSTUCK” – Six Tips for Avoiding Stagnation and Getting Your Life Back on Track (Part One)

As men age, they often get set in their ways. Guys lock onto the things they like and their tried-and-true methods and routines that worked a long time ago. There’s nothing wrong with demonstrating a bit of discipline…to a point. Regular practices, whether it’s brushing after every meal, exercising, reading, meditating, and having cool hobbies can be … read more

Two Cool Practices to Reset and Ignite Your New Year

We’re a week into January and it’s been cold as hell, so no worries if you already fell off the wagon or never got around to setting your New Year’s resolution. There’s still time to lock and load, and I’ve got two top-notch Guy’s Guy’s tips to help you get a firm grip on the wheel for the long year ahead.

We’ll help you purge all the toxic garbage from last year, set your plans and start a … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Staying Sane

Can you recall a crazier time in our lives than right now? Probably not.

Between every excruciating day of chaos ushered in by our new president, global terror, rising health care costs, homelessness, weekend subway service in NYC, an endless winter, GMO’s infesting our food, drone-like jobs with longer hours and less pay, it’s a tough time to be alive. People are stressed out, tired, unfocused, hyper, and stretched to the human limits. This is not how things … read more

Five Great Ways to Start Your Day

Do you wake up feeling tired, uninspired, and sometimes even dreading the new day? Do you wake up in a cranky mood and locked into the all-too-familiar, “I gotta have my coffee first” syndrome” before you can deal with other people or face the responsibilities of the day? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. If you look around the subway at the sea of solemn faces, doesn’t it seem like a lot of people are … read more

How to Find Peace Anywhere, Even New York City

“If you can find peace here, you can find peace anywhere”.

That’s not Frank. It’s your Guy’s Guy. And it’s true. It’s possible to live a serene, drama-free lifestyle in New York City.

One way to find peace is to sit near the ocean watching the sea and listening to the waves crash against the shoreline. After a few short minutes you will definitely calm down. Another surefire way to quiet the mind is resting under a lotus tree … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Being Alone

We enter this world alone and leave the same way. Keep calm, amigo. It’s not such a bad thing. Even the most outgoing people spend a majority of their time alone. So let’s face facts. To master life, we need to master the art of being alone.

I’m a social being and enjoy the company of others and being part of a team in work and at play. But I also relish my time alone. Only on rare occasions … read more

10 Tips for Wellness at Any Age

Guy’s Guys like staying healthy and fit, so consider this a greatest hits package for your wellbeing.

Over the past few years I have devoted a number of blog posts to relationships— not just relationships between people, but the relationship between our body, mind, and spirit. Your Guy’s Guy will be migrating to new topics to write about, so I wanted to summarize the learning I’ve gleaned from reading, interviewing guests on Guy’s Guy Radio, and from personal experiences, including … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Relaxing

Man, I really enjoy my down time. Yet, I’m amazed that so many people find “relaxing” to be an unattainable goal. Sure, life is hard and we have super-stressful jobs chock-full of responsibility and stuff we need to do. At times it doesn’t seem like there are enough hours in the day to address every pressing issue. This is why finding the time to relax and just “be” is so important.

Our lives are not meant to be so … read more