Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

Aging is a Choice – Part 3

Simple, yet effective external practices can make you feel younger, every day.

Last month, we discussed internal practices that help mitigate the aging process. This time we’ll explore a few simple, yet effective external, physical practices that work for me. I hope you will consider them if, like me, you want to feel younger every … read more

Aging is a Choice – Part 2

Get Younger from the Inside Out

Last month, I shared a bit of my journey towards better health and longevity. This month, I explore how choosing to see aging as a choice has brought me tremendous gains in my mental, emotional, and even metaphysical life. Looking back, I realize that the many small and significant changes I’ve made has me feeling better … read more

Aging is a Choice – Part 1

Daily practices are doors to conscious transformation.

Ten years ago, at the age of fifty-seven, I had a wake-up call that changed my life. While finishing up a long run by the beach, a tremendous pain engulfed my left side. I staggered home and collapsed on my bed where I remained in agony for the next … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Getting in Shape (To Get in Shape)

If you watch as many films as I do, you know that if a movie sucks during the first twenty minutes, it’s not going to improve. The same can be said for most important aspects and experiences of our lives life. You need to get things off on the right foot, and that means being prepared to nail the beginning…of anything. This also goes for fitness and wellness and diet. If you want to run a … read more

The Process of Elimination Diet

Want to lose weight, increase your energy, and end your cravings for crappy foods? Introducing: The Process of Elimination Diet.

If you’re like me, you love food, you love to eat, and you eat well. While we do our best to either lose or maintain our weight, we face temptations about our food choices every day. It all comes down to choices. When it’s time to eat, you pick this or that, and the … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Running A Marathon

The first Sunday in November is a special day. Runners of all shapes and sizes come from around the globe to New York City to share a special human experience as they pack together while running 26.2 miles through the five boroughs. This could turn out to be one of the greatest achievements of their lives.

To me, the best thing about running a marathon is that anyone who puts in the training and … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Process of Elimination™ Diet Plan (Part 2)

Would your losing ten percent of your bodyweight in six months considered a successful diet program for you?

Six months is real time. This is not a short-term fix or a yo-yo diet where you lose fifteen pounds before slowly gaining every pound back and more. This is the Guys’ Guy’s Process of Elimination™ Diet Plan. It’s how I’ve steadily dropped eighteen pounds during the first half of 2018. The results have come slowly but steadily, and there are … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Process of Elimination™ Diet Plan (Part 1)

If you are like me, you love your food. But for indulgent diners, maintaining your fighting weight becomes a never-ending battle.

You like to eat, you eat well and you think you’re making good choices. And you work out, but the pounds continue creeping onto your waistline. What’s a Guy’s Guy or a Gal’s Gal supposed to do to stay trim in the face of our questionable food supply and the plethora of tasty, global cuisines invading our … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Staying Fit at Any Age

When the temps are in the twenties for the fourth month in a row, who wants to wake up, climb out of bed and hit the gym before 7am?

If your answer is, “Not me”, you are not alone. The more we age the more challenging it is to do the work necessary to maintain our fitness. I’m a boomer with too many friends taking multiple meds, having hip replacements, are overweight, diabetic, and flat out looking and … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Aging Part 4: Aging Gracefully

In our youth-oriented culture, the greatest challenge for many is recognizing and accepting the cold hard facts about aging. Regardless of how the botox, tummy tucks, hair restoration procedures, and teeth whiteners temporarily hold back Father Time, the clock keeps ticking.

We’ve all seen those attractive cougars pumping away at the gym or photos of them on social media in their bikinis on tropical vacations, and their male counterparts showing off their cars, guns, or trophy wives. I … read more