Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

AGING IS A CHOICE Part 18 – The Power of Routines (#1)

By Robert Manni

No matter how old you are, the power of routines is often overlooked. Maybe it’s because engaging in the same behaviors, practices, and protocols every day could feel boring after a while. Yet there is no better way to gain results than through consistency. When it comes to aging, this means creating personal routines and behaviors that keep … read more

AGING IS A CHOICE PART 16 – Practices for Better Aging

By Robert Manni

Every day is another day older. It’s just a fact of life. As time continues on, undefeated, it will eventually take us all. However, aging is a choice. There are things we can do to remain robust and vital throughout our aging journey. With a little bit of work, we can embrace certain practices and continue to improve the … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Process of Elimination™ Diet Plan (Part 1)

If you are like me, you love your food. But for indulgent diners, maintaining your fighting weight becomes a never-ending battle.

You like to eat, you eat well and you think you’re making good choices. And you work out, but the pounds continue creeping onto your waistline. What’s a Guy’s Guy or a Gal’s Gal supposed to do to stay trim in the face of our questionable food supply and the plethora of tasty, global cuisines invading our … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to 10 Things that I’ve Learned are True (Part 1)

What is really true in this crazy world we live in?

That’s a question you need to ask yourself. The answer won’t pay your rent, but when you learn the truth you’ll find that many of your opinions, judgments and the things you once believed turn out to be a lot different than what you thought. And if there is anything we really need to know in this lifetime, it’s truth. Does anything else really matter?

If we boil … read more

How Learning to Navigate Change Will Help You Succeed in Dating

What happened to men? Nobody knows what they are doing anymore—especially the men.

There’s no denying that women are on the rise and finally getting the recognition they’ve long deserved. The future is about the ascension of women and they are not going to take crap from men, especially those in power any more. But, that is not bad news for guys. If you are a real man, a Guys Guy if you will, there has never been … read more

5 Signs We’re Lowering the Bar (And What We Can do to Raise It)

Each time I scroll through the news online or even a good, old-fashion newspaper, I’m amazed at how crazy and dysfunctional our culture has become. The online news feed is a parade of real news, fake news, and oddities.

It seems like everyone is in debt, too busy trying to keep their job before being replaced by robots or AI, or too damn tired to realize they are being fed garbage and being told to like it. As … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Dealing with Difficult People

There are a lot of truly wonderful people in the world. But why does it seem like we’re constantly confronted by difficult and annoying people who push our buttons?

I see you nodding your head right now. It could be those subway dancers swinging their limbs around the pole right in front of your face on the A train, that person in your building who never responds to your friendly greeting, those passive aggressive colleagues who are too … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Things Worth Investing In

They call it disposable income for a reason. We dispose of it every day—at lunch on $12 salads in plastic containers, ironic t-shirts, another pair of sneakers or shoes we don’t need to choke our closet space, or on numerous $9 glasses of so-called craft beers. But even though we live in a consumer society where over two-thirds of the money spent is on items we don’t really need, there are a few items worth paying those extra … read more

When You Are NOT a Guy’s Guy

People ask me all the time, “Hey, what is a Guy’s Guy anyway? Is that like a man’s man?” Nope. A Guy’s Guy is not a man’s man.

He is, however, an updated, more open and contemporary version of the old adage. A Guy’s Guy is comfortable in his own skin. He has a casual confidence about him as well as unassuming strength, seductive integrity, emotional intelligence, and a timeless style. He’s fun, too. But most of all, … read more