Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

Things that Bug Guy’s Guys

Every so often, even us Guy’s Guys need to let off some steam about the state of affairs in our highly dysfunctional world.

We kill animals for their taste while polluting the planet at the same time. We give unbridled power to corporations that are only beholden to shareholder earnings. We pay men more than women for the same work. We invade countries we think might do something to us in the future. On and on it goes, … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Patience (and Perserverence)

If you’re like me and most New York Guy’s Guys, you want what you want when you want it.

You like your pizza hot, your beer cold, your payments on time in cash, and your woman’s skirts short and tight. Okay, that last one was a bit sexist, but everyone’s bundling up as we enter another long, dark New York winter. We live in a fast-paced town where people rarely demonstrate patience, a key personality trait of people … read more

Being a Guy’s Guy in Business – Part 1

For some reason—usually money—business can bring out the worst in people. That old saying, “It’s business, it’s not personal.” is a sad excuse for duplicitous behavior.

I’ve actually heard those words, or some semblance of them, too many times by bosses and former colleagues before someone got stabbed in the back. On the other hand, there are people who talk the talk and walk the Guy’s Guy walk in the sometimes-shady world of business. So there is hope. You … read more

If You Want Love, Think Like an Advertiser

Ever notice how those McDonalds commercials always show up right around lunchtime? You know it’s because that’s when your stomach is growling for something that will hit the spot – that Big Mac is looking especially good right now. Same thing happens with beer and Doritos ads during the timeouts of football games. Your nervous energy is craving savory foods to chomp and a cold beverage to wash them down. It’s called targeted advertising and it works. … read more

Interview with Robert Manni (Part Two) – by Matthew (The Bibliofreak)

It’s hard to place The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love in a particular genre – how do you describe it to people?

Great question. At first agents told me that since I was a guy, I should write a thriller. No, thanks. Then it was, why don’t you write the book with a female protagonist? No, thanks. Then they told me, the title sounds like the book is a non-fiction guide to getting laid. Why don’t you change … read more

Interview with Robert Manni (Part One) – by Matthew (The Bibliofreak)

You’ve worked in advertising for the past two decades, what inspired you to turn your hand to literature and write The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love?

About ten years ago I was walking across Sixth Avenue when something inside told me that it was time to get serious about my passion for writing. I read every book that I could get my hands on about writing or subjects that interested me and began writing in earnest.

Before writing this … read more

How to Run an Ad Campaign to Get More Dates

Photo courtesy of Instant VintageGuest Post From Cupid’s Pulse:In my novel, THE GUYS’ GUY’S GUIDE TO LOVE, our main character, Max Hallyday, writes a column for a women’s magazine doling out regular guy-style sagely advice to the ladies about how men think and how to get them eating out of your hand. He takes a tough love approach, but he is honest and well intended, and as a result…well, you’ll have to pick up a copy of the … read more

Is There Truth In Advertising?

Photo courtesy of Jason Taellious

I’m an ad guy as well as a guy’s guy and a novelist. My nine to five for the past twenty-something years has centered on a business that is fun, fast, and many times misunderstood.  In the ad game (and it can be a game) we don’t make things up. We deal with the truth, and we find the right bits of truth that tell the story that you … read more