AGING IS A CHOICE Part 19 – The Power of Routines (#2)
By Robert Manni

Have you noticed your relationship with mornings changes over time? As I’ve gotten older, my connection to mornings has shifted dramatically. I was a night owl most of my adult life, enjoying late hours for business and often chasing down the dawn in New York City. However, over the years, an evolution, maybe even a revolution has taken place. Now, the earlier I rise, the more I enjoy the peaceful time of sunrise. This is when I do my best thinking and get most of my work completed. I have the focus, inspiration and energy from my morning routine. (If you want to know more, refer back to my previous article on the overlooked power of routines.) I find these practices to be powerful as they set the tone for the rest of the day, and keep me feeling young in body, mind, and spirit! Here are a few you might try to start a new day.
As soon as I open my eyes, I express my appreciation for the great fortune of being alive. I believe my incarnation is temporary, and it’s good to be alive another day. As infinite spirit living in the material world, it is important for me to express my gratitude every day to experience life on Gaia.
Don’t reach for that phone
We’re conditioned to scroll our way through the day and night. This practice scatters our focus and hinders us from a good night’s sleep and from beginning the day with intention and clarity of mind. Instead of scrolling, I use my phone as an all-in-one tool with a purpose. When my alarm app goes off, I grab the phone and go to my quiet place where I use another app for my meditation.
Using an app to keep time, I transcend (meditate) every morning for twenty minutes. I do a second meditation later in the day to help me recharge or wind down depending on how the day’s been going. I find the morning meditation incredibly powerful. I can empty my mind, connect to Source, and feel calm. This quietude allows a wealth of insights to surface. Solutions emerge before the hustle of the day begins and keeps me goal oriented until my workday is done.
Every night I place a liter of alkaline water next to my bed. If I wake up during the night, I take a long drink. When my alarm goes off, I drink any remaining water. Did you know, over 80% of Americans suffer from dehydration? Drinking water is an important all-day and often, all-night affair. Waking up fully hydrated makes a difference in how our body feels starting the day. After meditation, I head to the kitchen where I squeeze an organic lemon into a large glass of water. Down it goes, and I feel even better.
The Power of Prayer
Beyond expressing gratitude for being alive, I also set aside a few minutes in the morning for prayers and affirmations. Over the years I’ve jotted down spiritual sayings, memes or brief affirmations with significant personal meaning on index cards. I read each card mindfully and I find the words activate my connection with Source and reenergize me on a spiritual and cellular level.
These practices take approximately forty minutes, and the benefits reverberate throughout the day. I am infused with positivity, connectiveness, and a knowing that I am infinite. The easy-to-do practices help me start each day fresh and maintain a positive frequency that lasts for hours.
So, if you’re wondering how you’ll find time to do it all, think of this. We always find time to do the things we want. In this case, it boils down to how we choose to age. For me, whatever I can do to keep me thriving is the choice for me. Until next time, let’s keeping growing youthful together!