AGING IS A CHOICE Part 20 – The Power of Routines (#3)
By Robert Manni

In our previous two articles, we explored aspects of the morning routine that prepare us mentally and spiritually to begin each day fresh and full of energy. The third leg of the stool comprise the physical movements of our routine. This is the meat in the sandwich, or the cream in the center of an Oreo cookie. It requires devoting enough time each day to engage in physical movements that invigorate and vitalize our bodies and help us take charge of the aging process as best we can. Keep in mind, for any routine to work, commitment is required, but pretty soon it can become a habit to live by. So, no matter what you physically can or choose to do, there is only one rule. You’ve got to be in it to win it. Show up every day and do whatever you can do to keep yourself feeling young, healthy, and believing in yourself.
Here are a few of my go-to exercises and movements I have been practicing for decades…
I begin my work in the standing position with a goal of opening myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. I use deep breathing and expand my energy field through a series of sweeping qi-gong movements that open my heart, lungs, muscles and physical frame. I also incorporate selected exercises from Dan Millman’s (author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior) Peaceful Warrior Workout. Dan, who has been a guest on my show, was a world-class gymnast when he developed this simple, yet effective workout system. I highly recommend it. If you see how healthy Dan looks, you’ll want to add these moves to your daily plan, too. That’s what got me started six years ago…to amazing results. Thank you, Dan!
The floor work is critical for strengthening and maintaining the core and stretching muscles and tendons surrounding major joints like the hips, shoulders and back. I practice easy yoga poses such as the table-top pose with alternating arm and leg extensions, reverse boat pose, and hugging knees to chest and gently rocking to and fro. I finish by squatting down as far as I can with my soles flat on the floor. Again, this is not about one size fits all. Find what you can do and what works for you. The focus here is to stretch your muscles and warm-up your major joints while keeping your core strong. So, choose the poses that you like and can do for the same results.
POWER – I finish my daily workout with a set of pushups. Truth be told, I have been doing push-ups my entire life. I realize not everyone can do these or wants to do them because pushups are no walk in the park. But they work for me in two ways. First, they provide arguably the most complete full body exercise that you can do anywhere. And I work hard to do as many as I possibly can every day. Second, for me they provide an accurate check-in on how my body is feeling. When my body tells me I’m not able to do as many push-ups as I usually can, it’s a cue to take it easy. I will drink more fluids, be mindful of what I eat, and go to bed early. Over time, I have learned the benefit of doing my daily push-ups isn’t just about strength. It’s also about listening and receiving the intelligence my body is sharing with me and honoring that instead of pushing past it because I have to fit some mental mold I have about myself. The real power I’ve found is the balance, harmony, and flexibility to push my body when I can and to nurture myself when I need it.
As you can see, taking care of oneself is not only a responsibility, but a discipline. The good news is that all these practices become embodied into who we are and can become the bedrock of our increased productivity with startlingly positive results. But it’s up to you how you want to create them, so plan thoughtfully and have fun implementing them. After all, aging is what you make of it. And it’s all about choice!