Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

The Anti-Guy’s Guys

In a Guy’s Guys world, men and women are at their best and everyone wins. It’s about guys stepping up in a time where women are beginning to receive their long overdue recognition.

It’s about our displaying the more admirable characteristics of the “Man’s Man” from a latter day without falling prey to an overload of machismo and a superior attitude towards the ladies. A Guy’s Guy is cooler and more casual than his predecessors from the twentieth … read more

Confessions of a Horndog: The Way Guys View Sex

Sure we’re approaching 2015, but have things changed that much when it comes to how men and women view sex? I’ve been thinking about that a lot these past few weeks. Most guests on my Guy’s Guy Radio podcast take a politically correct stance, insisting that all things are equal when it comes to how men and women view sex.

Let’s agree that women’s empowerment is growing, and it’s long overdue. And when it comes to sex, although more and more … read more

Throwback Blog: What is a Guy’s Guy, and Why Does it Matter?

Over the past thirty years, the paths of women and men have changed dramatically. While women have been on straight trajectory of achievement, accomplishment, and long overdue recognition, men now find themselves in a tough spot. This comes at a time when men have never been freer to be who they want, but it’s also never been less clear who they are. My novel, The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love, tackles this issue through the power of story that gives women … read more

Is it Better Dating Only One Person at a Time?

Can you have too much of a good thing? 

When it comes to dating, the answer is maybe. Between speed dating, Tinder,, texting, sexting, Google, Instagram, Facebook and selfies there are an innumerable number of potential partners at your fingertips in the time it takes to hit send. I was dating at rate of three or four times a week. Online, offline, it didn’t matter how I met women. It was a numbers game with everyone being disposable, … read more

When Guys Cry

I’ll admit it. I shed a tear at the end of “Silver Linings Playbook” and when Joaquin Phoenix retakes the stage as Johnny Cash towards the end of “Walk The Line”.

It doesn’t matter what film it is. A successful Hollywood movie expertly knows how to evoke emotion from their audience. At the same time, I recently watched a segment on ESPN about NFL draft picks crying after teams call out their names. These are big strong, manly … read more

How to End a Relationship the Right Way

Getting dumped can suck, but most guys are used to it.

We’ve either been or known the guy that’s been blindsided and dumped by his lady. It’s not fun, but guys usually dust themselves off and dive back into the dating pool even if the pain still festers inside. I would be easy to take out our frustrations on the next woman we date. But what does that accomplish? Instead I suggest walking a few steps in a … read more

A Guy’s Guy is a Friend’s Friend

Friendship is at the heart of being a Guy’s Guy. 

The frenetic pace of the modern life can get in the way of maintaining long-term friendships. The world has gotten smaller and as a result we spend so much of our time working or managing our complicated lives that we sometimes forget about the importance of having real friends. We make friends throughout life—in grammar school, high school, college, at work and through meeting friends of friends. Our … read more

5 Things to Consider Before Moving in With Him

Guys are creatures of habit.

You can bet that if you stop over his place and more than once you find him lying across the couch watching sports, this is a reflection of how he lives. Small tells like this can be critical guideposts when deciding to take the plunge and share living quarters with your guy. This isn’t to say that all guys are like jungle animals who hunt, eat, then lay around until they get hungry … read more

Guy’s Guy’s Dating Basics – Part 1

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Every day, month and year guys make the same basic errors in their efforts to woo a woman. With the advent of more and more technology, sometimes guys don’t even have to speak with a woman before “hanging out” with her in the hopes of getting some you know what. It’s a sad state of affairs that I felt compelled to tackle this post, but a Guy’s Guy … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Finding Inner Peace

We live in a high-octane, turbulent world that keeps surging forward. And inner peace is an important topic that requires more insights than a down and dirty blog post can address. But in true Guy’s Guy fashion I’ll share a few tips to help get you started on a path out of the chaos and into that snuggly happy place inside your consciousness. Here are my Guy’s Guy ways to tap into your inner peace.


It’s easy to … read more