Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

How Long Is Too Long To Wait For A Man?

Image Courtesy of HBO

How long is too long to wait for a man? Women have an uncanny instinct for knowing when they meet the right guy. Or do they? Unfortunately, in too many cases the men delay all efforts to move the relationship ahead. So the women are resigned to waiting for their guy to figure out who they are and when they are ready. The process can take years. It’s so prevalent that the new movie, “The Five … read more

Why The Rolling Stones Matter To Guys’ Guys

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Guys’ Guys need good music and for the past fifty years, the Stones have spun a wicked soundtrack. Like them or not, you have to admit the Stones have withstood time. Despite the arrival of disco, rap, hip hop, electronica, house, world, and competitors as talented as Nirvana, Guns and Roses, and Led Zeppelin, only the Stones have kept it together and rolled for five decades. And while in six short years the Beatles … read more

Want To Finish First? Be A Nice Guy. Be A Guy’s Guy. But First…

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Guest Post from Straight Up Love

I recently launched my debut novel, The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love. Here’s the story: Max Hallyday, the main character, is asked by, Cassidy Goodson, his ex-girlfriend who is launching a new girl power magazine, to pen a column that provides a “regular” guy’s perspective on life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Max repeatedly declines Cassidy’s offer, telling her that women only want to “know” the truth that they want … read more

The Top 13 Dating Secrets of Men

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Our site and blog promise a revelation of men’s deepest and darkest dating secrets.   We’ve been sharing a lot about dating and relationships along the way and introduced Max Hallyday, the protagonist in The Guys’ Guy’s Guide To Love who pens a column that exposes men’s dating tricks of the trade.  However, we haven’t yet answered the question directly in this blog. As such this Guy’s Guy will disclose a few of the … read more