The Top 13 Dating Secrets of Men
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Our site and blog promise a revelation of men’s deepest and darkest dating secrets. We’ve been sharing a lot about dating and relationships along the way and introduced Max Hallyday, the protagonist in The Guys’ Guy’s Guide To Love who pens a column that exposes men’s dating tricks of the trade. However, we haven’t yet answered the question directly in this blog. As such this Guy’s Guy will disclose a few of the tastiest tidbits about the inner workings of men on the prowl. Here is my baker’s dozen.
13- Inside of every man lives an inner horn dog. Guys are driven by their inner horn doggie, so ladies, make a mental note. If you don’t believe me, ask a guy about this and then pay attention the way you would if you asked him if your butt looks big in those jeans.
12- Men are insecure. Many ladies say that if they were guys they would have a field day with women. Maybe, but guys don’t think like women and at times they can be clueless about the opposite sex. When a guy approaches a woman that he is attracted to, it shows. This gives women the upper hand and makes a guy both nervous and excited, but you women smell fear like wild animals and can shoot down guys like a crack shot when they don’t exude self-confidence. So, the hamster wheel of male insecurity rolls on.
11- Men like women to “help out”. Sure, most guys want to do the hunting, but ladies do the capturing. Men are not great at reading the signals that ladies give off and they appreciate it when you let them know that you like them by a touch on his arm or a smoldering glance. Easy stuff and it works.
10- Men don’t pay attention. Success with women is all about the little things, but men are all about making things happen. You tell a guy about your day, he wants to solve your problems. He thinks he’s helping while you roll your eyes. Make him pay attention… by any means possible.
9- Guys are still visual. No surprise. You clean up nice so save the sweatpants for after you’re living together. Actually, not even then if you can help it.
8- Men need to be appreciated for their sense of humor. If you dig him, you probably already think he’s clever. If you don’t dig with his sense of humor, you might as well move on unless he enrolls in clown school.
7- Nothing beats a great pair of legs…except maybe a heart-shaped booty. This means leave the pants suit in the closet now and then and strut your stuff when you are with him. A man needs to be reminded that his woman is strong, but feminine even if you are in better shape and can probably whip his ass.
6- When a guy says he’ll call, he usually means it. Men are usually honest about this, but like children, they are easily distracted. If he says he’ll call, consider asking him when. At least that etches you into his subconscious. And if he doesn’t call, forget him. You deserve better.
5- Men dread Valentine’s Day. It all boils down to pressure. If lingerie is for him, should he buy it? What size does she wear if her boobs are small and her butt is round? As he wanders the aisles of Victoria’s Secret he’s probably doing a body check on other ladies in an effort to find someone your size. And women don’t appreciate that. Pressure.
4- When it comes to sex, timing is everything. Whether it takes two drinks or ten dates, you both know when it’s time. However, if you hop into bed too quickly in the back of his mind he’s wondering how many times you’ve been this naughty little bunny rabbit. Just sayin’.
3- The way to his heart is… It doesn’t necessarily matter if you can cook up a storm, but men love to chow down. It’s what we do. Make that work for you the best you can.
2- He wants a lady he can take home to Mom. Sure, he’ll happily spin you around like a top in bed and come back for more if that’s all you are interested in, but ultimately a man wants to show off his woman to his friends, family, and business associates.
1- Don’t change for any man. Be the best version of you and he’ll be a happy fella. And if not, the door is that way.
What other secrets to dating men have you unearthed?