Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

AGING IS A CHOICE Part 17 – Spirituality and Aging

By Robert Manni

You might be asking, “What does spirituality have to do with aging, and why does it matter?” After all, we live, and then we die. No one is spared. Spirituality is not going to prevent our growing older or slow it down. Or is it? 

Today, let’s see how spirituality can become an important aspect of how we age … read more

AGING IS A CHOICE PART 16 – Practices for Better Aging

By Robert Manni

Every day is another day older. It’s just a fact of life. As time continues on, undefeated, it will eventually take us all. However, aging is a choice. There are things we can do to remain robust and vital throughout our aging journey. With a little bit of work, we can embrace certain practices and continue to improve the … read more

AGING IS A CHOICE Part 14 – Meditation and Aging

By Robert Manni

Throughout my series on aging, I have touched on the numerous benefits of meditation and the myriad ways it helps us in our aging journey. I’ve mentioned how the areas of the brain responsible for learning, memory, self-awareness, and attention are protected through a consistent meditation practice. We’ve identified benefits like increased creativity, heightened … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to South Korea (Part 1)

Did you know there are over ten million people living in Seoul, Korea? Now imagine a city larger than New York functioning like a well-oiled machine— with no litter, garbage cans overflowing, and no potholes anywhere. The differences are dramatic between my home in NYC and my new favorite global capital. Let me share some of what I gleaned about a fascinating culture and people living halfway across the globe. In the course of a just over two … read more

The Process of Elimination Diet

Want to lose weight, increase your energy, and end your cravings for crappy foods? Introducing: The Process of Elimination Diet.

If you’re like me, you love food, you love to eat, and you eat well. While we do our best to either lose or maintain our weight, we face temptations about our food choices every day. It all comes down to choices. When it’s time to eat, you pick this or that, and the … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Running A Marathon

The first Sunday in November is a special day. Runners of all shapes and sizes come from around the globe to New York City to share a special human experience as they pack together while running 26.2 miles through the five boroughs. This could turn out to be one of the greatest achievements of their lives.

To me, the best thing about running a marathon is that anyone who puts in the training and … read more

A Tale of Two Cities: New York vs. San Diego (Part 2)

If you are a New Yorker, have you ever peered through the droplets of rain on your window and dreamed of moving to sunny Southern California?

If you’re like me, you have, many times. I grew up in northern New Jersey and went to college outside of Philly. I traveled the world for work and play and lived on the East Coast almost my entire life. Back in the eighties I picked up and … read more

A Tale of Two Cities: New York vs. San Diego (Part 1)

East coast / west coast comparisons are nothing new. For years conversations have pitted the Big Apple against the City of Angels. But after decades of New Yorkers migrating to L.A. beyond cars versus taxis and subways, is life that different in these two cities?

Sure, L.A. is an industry town while New York is the capital of finance, media, many other businesses, and arguably the world. But over time, the world has gotten … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Process of Elimination™ Diet Plan (Part 2)

Would your losing ten percent of your bodyweight in six months considered a successful diet program for you?

Six months is real time. This is not a short-term fix or a yo-yo diet where you lose fifteen pounds before slowly gaining every pound back and more. This is the Guys’ Guy’s Process of Elimination™ Diet Plan. It’s how I’ve steadily dropped eighteen pounds during the first half of 2018. The results have come slowly but steadily, and there are … read more