Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Staying in Shape (Without a Gym)

There are workout classes now for pole dancing, trampoline, twerkshops, Vikings and Valkyries, hula-hoops and even “voga”—a mash-up of yoga and vogueing.

But for this Guy’s Guy, nothing beats an old school workout and classic exercises for peak fitness and a sculpted physique. I realize that working out is a personal issue so for context, I wholeheartedly endorse any regimen that gets you moving and burns calories and any fitness regime that includes yoga for stretching, breathing and … read more

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Back Into the Game

The most important person to know in your life is yourself.

Yet so many people spend the majority of their time reacting to what’s going on around them. Before they know it, each new day has turned into a Xerox copy of the previous one. And there’s no other area than dating that demonstrates this repetitive, redundant behavior where we too often rush into a new situation without considering what we want and need to be happy. They … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Beating the Winter Blues

It’s dark and cold when you wake and darker and colder when you go home.

Welcome to another endless winter in the Northeast. And for some strange reason, many choose to stay put and endure these dreadful winters year after year. They say we have four seasons in these parts, but doesn’t it feel like two? Six months of awesome weather, six months of ice rain, snow, cold and slush. And here we are again in the vortex. … read more

Things to be Cheerful About in 2014

Let’s leave 2013 where it belongs…over, done, in the past.

I hope it was a good year for you, although many folks might prefer to deposit it in the dumpster. The good news is that every 365 days we get to reset. Never mind the resolutions we don’t keep and the baggage and pounds we need to shed. Those are just details. Here are some things, Guy’s Guy style, to be thankful for as we dig our teeth … read more

How to Improve Your Chance for Romance

Once upon a time there was no Instagram, Tinder, Facebook,, Vine, and no sexting, texting, or even e-mail.

Can you imagine? If a young buck wanted to meet a nice lady, he’d take a deep breath, walk across the bar room, smile and say something clever like, “Hey, my name’s Steve.”  If he was fortunate enough that she didn’t blow cigarette smoke his way, it was on him to keep the conversation going in the hopes of … read more

Things We’ve Had Enough of, Thank You.

Guy’s Guys are optimistic by nature, but even we have our limits.

Of course there is an endless supply of things to complain about, but let’s put a twist on it and shout out a mini-rant featuring a handful of those people and things that we’ve had our fill of. Let’s send them off with a wave, our best wishes and a kick in the pants. Here’s your Guy’s Guy list of people and things that need to … read more

How to Handle a Breakup

Nothing lasts forever, especially when we’re dating.

At one point or another, everyone gets dumped. Sometimes it comes as a surprise. It can be emotional. It can feel like the end of the world, but it’s not. We survive, and in most cases, we look back a year later and consider how better off we are and why the heck we stuck in that other relationship for that long. So, it’s important that we handle the drama and … read more

Five More Ways to Manage Your Weight

Guy’s Guys have healthy appetites—for life, love and the pursuit of happiness. We stay hungry, and that can be a problem. 

After I finished compiling my first set of weight loss tips, I realized that every guy is different and not every method I mentioned in part one fits every Guy’s Guy. The best tip I ever received from a friend who had dropped thirty pounds was, “Don’t eat as much”.  Please allow me to introduce five more … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Drinking

Guy’s Guys can handle their liquor. No drunk dialing, no picking fights, no hurling out of the cab window on the way home.

I’ve had my share of nights out on the town—some that have turned into morning—but for the most part I stayed out of trouble and knew when to call it a night—or sometimes, a day.

Being in the ad business, I’ve worked on a number of very successful spirits accounts. I’ve spent hours and hours sitting behind … read more

Five Ways to Lose Weight

I was a skinny kid.

Now, along with many other men of a certain age, I wage an ongoing battle with my waistline. I’m not fat, but as someone who played three sports in school and has finished three marathons, I have pride about my appearance and it vexes me to no end when I look at the scale. I’m not in a bad place, but I’m not where I want to be. That said, I’ve dabbled in … read more