Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

Why The Rolling Stones Matter To Guys’ Guys

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Guys’ Guys need good music and for the past fifty years, the Stones have spun a wicked soundtrack. Like them or not, you have to admit the Stones have withstood time. Despite the arrival of disco, rap, hip hop, electronica, house, world, and competitors as talented as Nirvana, Guns and Roses, and Led Zeppelin, only the Stones have kept it together and rolled for five decades. And while in six short years the Beatles … read more

5 Mistakes Men Always Make

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Why is it so damn easy for men to screw up? We’ve got it all these days. Smart, talented, beautiful women who actually chase us, more video games, sporting events, and action-packed movies than you’ll ever watch, and every morsel of information about anything at your fingertips. Then why do men have a habit of messing up a good thing? It’s easy, and here are a few of the usual suspects—some are fun, some … read more

When It Comes To Dating, When Does Losing Something Help You Win?

Image courtesy of The Modern Hermit

For centuries everyone agreed that the world was flat. That is until Ferdinand Magellan (a guy’s guy for sure) sailed his historic lap around the globe. That was a major V-8 moment for a lot of folks. Ferdy expanded his horizons and drew a new map of the world. And it only happened because he lost the list that told him that the earth was flat.  Women and men also need to … read more

Interview with Robert Manni (Part Two) – by Matthew (The Bibliofreak)

It’s hard to place The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love in a particular genre – how do you describe it to people?

Great question. At first agents told me that since I was a guy, I should write a thriller. No, thanks. Then it was, why don’t you write the book with a female protagonist? No, thanks. Then they told me, the title sounds like the book is a non-fiction guide to getting laid. Why don’t you change … read more

Interview with Robert Manni (Part One) – by Matthew (The Bibliofreak)

You’ve worked in advertising for the past two decades, what inspired you to turn your hand to literature and write The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love?

About ten years ago I was walking across Sixth Avenue when something inside told me that it was time to get serious about my passion for writing. I read every book that I could get my hands on about writing or subjects that interested me and began writing in earnest.

Before writing this … read more

Is It Time For The Guys’ Guys In Hollywood?

Since the launch of my debut novel, The Guys’ Guy’s Guide To Love, this past fall, there have been many questions from the press and reader about the notion of a “Guy’s Guy”. The plot revolves around one Max Hallyday, ad man and regular guy’s guy. His ex flame pushes him until he agrees to pen a column about the wily ways that modern men, and in particular his lady-killing best frenemy, Roger Fox, approach the opposite … read more

Want To Finish First? Be A Nice Guy. Be A Guy’s Guy. But First…

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Guest Post from Straight Up Love

I recently launched my debut novel, The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love. Here’s the story: Max Hallyday, the main character, is asked by, Cassidy Goodson, his ex-girlfriend who is launching a new girl power magazine, to pen a column that provides a “regular” guy’s perspective on life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Max repeatedly declines Cassidy’s offer, telling her that women only want to “know” the truth that they want … read more

5 Simple Questions To Find Out If He’s ‘The One’

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Guest Post from Chick Lit Cafe 

Dating can be like business. You get it. I learned this sitting across the table from a cadre of new dates and being grilled like a king salmon. The endless questions from their “list” were fired in succession to determine if I had potential to become “The One”. In business we call this “qualifying” a sale. In a marketplace where time is money, it’s mission critical to quickly get to … read more

What’s The Holiday That’s All About Love But Everyone Hates?

 Image courtesy of James Logan Courier

I don’t hate Valentine’s Day. I dread it, and I’d like to have a chat with St. Valentine. He may be a saint, but he’s got a lot of explaining to do.  The myth behind the man is as confounding as the commercial celebration of romantic love that sprang from his legend. Was he beaten to death with clubs, beheaded after restoring sight and hearing to the daughter of his jailer, or … read more

Is He A Lover Or A Hater?

Image courtesy of Recycled Star Dust

The notion that women are ascending while men are in deep doo-doo has reached a feverish pitch during this highly combustible year. The world economy is broken and we have to admit, no one, and I mean no one, has a solution.  So things look bad. But when things look bad, people in the panic room can be a lot more open to change or anything that will get them out of … read more