Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

How to Make “The Talk” More Productive

Let’s face it. Guys don’t like “the talk”.

In fact, most guys don’t like discussing their relationships or their feelings at all. Hey, please don’t shoot the messenger. I’m on your side, but it’s time we have our own little “talk”.  I want to help you get your guy in the mindset of being open and honest about the relationship and make it as wonderful as it can be. Unfortunately, if we leave that up to men, it’s … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Swinging Cocktails

Guy’s Guys appreciate the finer things in life, the company of friends and an occasional cocktail.

So it should come as no surprise that if and when a Guy’s Guy decides to savor his down time with a few compadres or that special lady, drinks might be included drinks in the schedule of activities. Not all Guy’s Guys drink, but the ones that do know how to handle their booze. Disclaimers aside, here are a few tips from … read more

Things We’ve Had Enough of, Thank You.

Guy’s Guys are optimistic by nature, but even we have our limits.

Of course there is an endless supply of things to complain about, but let’s put a twist on it and shout out a mini-rant featuring a handful of those people and things that we’ve had our fill of. Let’s send them off with a wave, our best wishes and a kick in the pants. Here’s your Guy’s Guy list of people and things that need to … read more

Five More Ways to Manage Your Weight

Guy’s Guys have healthy appetites—for life, love and the pursuit of happiness. We stay hungry, and that can be a problem. 

After I finished compiling my first set of weight loss tips, I realized that every guy is different and not every method I mentioned in part one fits every Guy’s Guy. The best tip I ever received from a friend who had dropped thirty pounds was, “Don’t eat as much”.  Please allow me to introduce five more … read more

Five Tips to Keep Her Happy

Women are easy to please.

Really?  Yes—trust me. I’ve learned the hard way, and I continue to learn every day. Like most men, I used to view women as beautiful, exotic, unpredictable creatures; nearly impossible to figure out. I wasn’t doing the math. When guys don’t address the basics, women get complicated quickly. Like they said in Shrek, it’s all about the layers. Here are a few tips for guys that might help them keep their partners happy and their … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Drinking

Guy’s Guys can handle their liquor. No drunk dialing, no picking fights, no hurling out of the cab window on the way home.

I’ve had my share of nights out on the town—some that have turned into morning—but for the most part I stayed out of trouble and knew when to call it a night—or sometimes, a day.

Being in the ad business, I’ve worked on a number of very successful spirits accounts. I’ve spent hours and hours sitting behind … read more

Five Ways to Lose Weight

I was a skinny kid.

Now, along with many other men of a certain age, I wage an ongoing battle with my waistline. I’m not fat, but as someone who played three sports in school and has finished three marathons, I have pride about my appearance and it vexes me to no end when I look at the scale. I’m not in a bad place, but I’m not where I want to be. That said, I’ve dabbled in … read more

5 Things Men Can Do Right Now

Nobody knows what men are doing anymore—especially the men. There’s no denying that the glass ceiling still exists, but things are changing. While women are on the rise, both in work and education, young men are experiencing a lag. They lack role models and many of their older counterparts are falling behind (and in some cases, falling off). Here are a few suggestions to help men thrive.

Celebrate women.

Men need to realize that women are not the enemy. … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Random Guide to NYC and SoCal

I’m an East Coast guy who feels at home in SoCal.

I’m not sure if it’s because America has become so homogeneous or because there are so many New Yorkers who’ve relocated out west.  But for some reason, as soon as the plane lands and I get my bearings, I’m good to go in SoCal. For context, I’m a Jersey guy living in Harlem, and like many New Yorkers, I’ve traveled the golden state numerous times for business … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Traveling Light

I completed a three-week business trip through Asia carrying only one bag.

It’s not for everyone, but it worked out fine. I’ve been all over the globe for business and pleasure and over time learned not to let unnecessary luggage, clothing and other stuff weigh me down. And I don’t like checking bags if I don’t have to. You’ve seen how some people tote around all their junk wherever they go. I recall an overnight business trip to … read more