Guy's Guy™
Guys' Guy's Guides™

Is Technology Killing Dating?

It’s ironic that nowadays, something as easy as dating has become a challenge and obsession. 

Technology has made interpersonal communication and hooking up so easy and disposable that real dating is as difficult now as it was before the Internet or social media enabled our efforts. Before the Internet, guys put themselves on the line when meeting a lady. We’d hit the bar or the gym and organically strike up a conversation that might lead to another conversation … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Spiritual Books

Being a Guy’s Guy is not all sex, drugs and rock n’ roll.

Reading keeps us in touch with our inner selves and reminds us of our collective connection to the universal consciousness. I’ve read hundreds of books in all genres, but I’m called back by great stories about regular people finding their paths and enlightenment and books about energy and spirituality.  Life speeds by in a flash, and it’s important to take a breather now and then … read more

What is a Guy’s Guy? (Part III)

We’re at a critical juncture for redefining men and bridging the communications gap between the sexes.

It’s ironic that with all of our technology, communication between men and women has never been in such a dire state. Over the past thirty years the paths of women and men have changed dramatically.While women have been on straight trajectory of achievement, accomplishment, and long overdue recognition, men find themselves in a tough spot. Although men have never been freer to … read more

4 Ways To Keep Your Guy Happy

Size matters. That said, one size does not fit all.

So take these words of wisdom with a grain of salt because every man is different. However, most fit under a fairly big tent when it comes to knowing what they like from a woman. That’s not to say that if you don’t follow these tips he’s going to immediately bolt out of the door and hit the ground running, but you might want to keep these in … read more

The Guys’ Guy’s Rules About Rules

Rule number one: There is no such thing as fight club.

Let’s start with that thought in mind. In my opinion, there’s no specific set rules when it comes to guys, gals and dating. I’m a firm believer that women and men deserve respect as adults who can think for themselves. There are tons of books on this subject—most of them written by women for women. Now don’t take this the wrong way: I respect everyone’s right to … read more

Things Guy’s Guys Like (Part 2)

So what’s a Guy’s Guy?

I keep getting asked this question, and it’s a good thing because in a world where men have never been as free to be whoever they want, it’s never been less clear who they are.  Once again, simply stated, a Guy’s Guy is a contemporary Man’s Man, with a nod to a return to the casual confidence and seductive integrity of the classic male, but updated to reflect the belief that everybody wins … read more

5 Ways Men Can Man Up, Now

The advice I read from the plethora of dating gurus, the more I scratch head and wonder what’s really going on.

If men have really become so lame that they need to be reminded that texting photos of their private parts to prospective paramours is a bad idea, then the bar has been lowered too far. Keeping this in mind, I present to you five key areas where men can easily up their game and connect with women.

1. Honesty – … read more